Why are More Companies Using Temporary Staffing for IT Needs?

In 2021, the usage of temporary staffing increased dramatically in the United States and beyond, according to multiple sources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The agency and the well-known Palmer Forecast reported a year-over-year jump of over 14 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021. Meanwhile, another study found that 52 percent of companies increased their usage of temporary staffing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But what accounts for these jumps in the number of businesses turning to temporary staffing services? Technology and IT-related positions have become far more critical with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused a shift toward remote, technology-driven operations, increasing the need for IT solutions and the experts who specialize in those technologies.

It is also clear the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the need for temporary staffing in the IT field to fill in the gaps created by long-term illness and to increase agility in their respective marketplaces. Although this is just the start; here is a look at why more companies are using IT consulting services for their temporary staffing IT needs.

Reason #1 – Temporary Staffing to Expand Service Offerings and Capabilities

Temporary staffing services allow for greater agility and flexibility, which is a major advantage — especially in a post-pandemic world. A temporary staffing firm can help you find the perfect professionals for your company’s needs today, without a long-term commitment.

This allows the business to focus on their project and the way forward, instead of sorting through dozens of CVs and performing interviews with hopes of finding a needle in a haystack of talent.

The temporary nature of these staffing placements means companies are more free to evolve as they see fit in response to their own needs and the demands of their target marketplace. This agility translates into greater profitability when all is said and done.

Reason #2 – Temporary IT Staffing to Fill in Staffing Gaps

Illness. Family leave. Life events. There are many different circumstances that result in staffing “gaps”. Before the arrival of COVID-19, many companies were in a position to leave those staffing “gaps” in place with relatively little impact on their operations. But in today’s world where IT services are more essential for the everyday functioning of a business, those gaps need to be filled. This has led to an increase in demand for temporary staffing solutions for organizations that need to fill mission-critical IT positions.

Reason #3 – Fulfilling Short-Term Needs With Temporary Staffing Services

Short-term IT staffing solutions give companies the ability to take on projects that they may otherwise need to pass on. This spells improved flexibility and increased profits since the business can tackle a broader range of project types.

In addition to short-term projects for clients, many companies have in-house needs that necessitate a temporary IT hire. For example, a company may wish to perform an in-house overhaul of its IT infrastructure. Pulling in a full-time IT expert to oversee the implementation may be the most cost-effective and time-efficient solution.

Reason #4 – Using Temporary Staffing Solutions to Expand into New Niches

Expanding into a new niche and adding new service offerings can be intimidating and costly, but it’s an avenue that many companies have pursued in the past couple years because the pandemic has so greatly transformed virtually every industry.

Committing to long-term hires comes with a unique set of challenges and these factors frequently stand in the way of a company’s evolution. But temporary IT staffing services can simplify the process for companies that are considering an expansion into a new area.

There is no long-term commitment and there is no major investment in terms of time spent sourcing high-quality talent. Temporary IT staffing solutions may reduce the cost — and thus, risk — associated with new service offerings.

Reason #5 – IT Staffing to Support New Business Needs

The pandemic, in particular, has created new needs for temporary IT staffing. COVID has prompted operational changes that have altered the way that many do business. The healthcare and medical field is a prime example. In the pre-pandemic world, virtual doctor visits and online patient portals were “nice to have” capabilities. But once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, these social distance-friendly technologies became mission-critical “must-haves.” And it’s not just major hospital systems that sought to implement technologies to support virtual doctor appointments and patient portals. If they were going to succeed, smaller and medium-sized private practices required these capabilities as well. The net effect has been a dramatic increase in demand for temporary IT talent that can develop and roll out these essential technologies.

Dental clinics, rehabilitation, and long-term care facilities, veterinary clinics, and law firms have similarly developed new needs for IT services as a result of the pandemic, thereby increasing overall demand.

Reason #6 – Temporary Staffing to Suit Budgetary Constraints

The current economic conditions remain tumultuous and companies across many business sectors are feeling the pinch. In an uncertain economy, business leaders are often hesitant to take on permanent hires, but an organization’s need for experienced IT professionals remains regardless of the current economic conditions.

Temporary IT staffing solutions can be a good solution, providing the business with the talent they need to succeed without a long-term commitment and without the costs of paid time off and benefits.

What’s more, an experienced staffing firm helps you avoid investing time and resources in the hiring process. You can focus on whatever it is that you do best, while outsourcing the search for a temporary IT hire.

These are a few of the factors that are prompting companies to use temporary staffing for IT needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the business landscape, underscoring the importance of technology in an organization’s everyday operations and changing the IT needs in many industries.

At RiseIT™, we specialize in IT consulting services for companies in all industries. Contact us to learn more about how our IT staffing solutions can benefit your bottom line.